The Wicomico County Board of Ed has a few videos to make the process of getting started with Google Classroom a lot easier. We suggest taking a look at these then follow the instructions below.
WCBOE Students & Parents Resources for Google Classroom:
Before you start, make sure you are signed out of any Google accounts on the browser you’re using. And make sure your student knows his or her student login and password. They’ll need it.
You MAY get a screen like this.
Just click Go To Classroom
You will be asked to login with an email address. USE THE STUDENT EMAIL ADDRESS from Wicomico County Board of Education
Type your student’s login name and add
So if your login is lastnamef12345 you'd type in
If you're not sure, email your student’s 4th period teacher.
It will ask you what sort of Google Account you have.
Be sure to choose G Suite!!!
You won’t get into your classes with a personal GMail account! You must choose G Suite with your student’s email address.
You may be asked for a login name and password in some fashion next. It varies from browser to browser.
If asked, the student should re-enter their email address and password. If it just wants a user name, omit
You will then get a Welcome screen from Google.
Just click Continue
It will then ask you for your role.
Pick Student
When logged in, you’ll see your child’s classes.
You should see invitations to classes for core subjects.
Click Join
You may also see classes for electives and other non-core subjects. Some teachers have been using Google Classroom throughout the year. For now, have students just do assignments in their four core classes (and any AP classes that high school students may be taking).
One you’ve joined a class, you may get an invitation to post something on the class Stream tab. That’s where you’ll be whenever you first login to Google Classroom. Not all teachers have this enabled, and you certainly don’t have to post.
Feel free to click the X in the upper right corner of the box to close it.
And reminder – ALL WCBOE electronic media policies are still in effect. And anything you post will be under your real name.
When you click on Classroom, Google may highlight a few features the first time you go to that tab.
Click Got It to make it go away
Starting Monday morning, you’ll see a folder for a week’s assignments. You can’t see it until it’s published, but it will look like this:
Teachers may organize things into sub folders or just post all assignment resources in one place. But for every assignment, students will see something they need to complete. When they open the assignment to be completed, it should create a copy just for them to work on. They don’t have to complete it all at once. They can work on it, close it out, and when they log back into Google Classroom, just click on that assignment and it will open the copy previously worked on.
Here's a YouTUbe video from a Google Classroom techer explaining how it works, showing an example of a student's screen while doing it:
When they’re done, they simply click “Turn in work” and that’s it!
If they clicked it to early, they can click “Unsubmit” and continue working until they are done, then click Submit again.
Here’s the explanation from Google on how submitting work, well, works. The page also shows how submitting works on iPhones, iOS devices like iPads and Android devices. This is for laptops and computers, but you can select your method at the top:
Turn in an assignment
Depending on the assignment, you can turn in a personal doc that your teacher assigned to you, create your own Google Doc, or add files to the assignment.
If you need to edit work you turned in, you can unsubmit the assignment. But any assignment turned in or marked done after the due date is recorded as late.
You can always go back and see all your student's classes by clicking the three lines to the left of the the name of the class in the upper left corner.
will then show this, where you can choose which class to view.
Click the class you want, or click Classes if you need to join other classes.
ANY QUESTIONS, e-mail you student's teacher. We’re here to help, and we can’t wait to start seeing student work again!
-Mardela Middle.High School teachers, staff and administration